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Call For Applications: Research Editor

Call For Applications: Research Editor

Innovation for Change(I4C)-East Asia, in partnership with East Asia civil society regional networks, movements, and organizations, offers services and activities towards the defense, expansion, and creation of civic space.


Current campaigns on vaccine equity have focused on waiving the intellectual property rights of Western-made vaccines, especially those supported by public funds. Yet, the focus on Western-made vaccines ignores the reality that vaccines from the Global South, such as those made by China and Russia, were made available to many countries at the start of the inoculation campaign in 2021. Particular interest is placed on the early reliance on Chinese-made vaccines made available/accessible to Global South countries, as well as vaccine in/equity across the three I4C regions, and the use of vaccines as tools for diplomacy and foreign policy during the COVID-19 pandemic.

In times of a global pandemic, this lack of choice and availability of a public good impacts not only a country’s public health, but also its finances and space for social protection. As many countries have experienced, the less a population is vaccinated, the greater the need for imposing social restrictions on social spending.

Innovation for Change – East Asia is undertaking a co-created research project on the transparency and accountability of the procurement of Chinese-made vaccines in 11 countries across the Pacific, East Asia, and South Asia. I4C-EA is using transparency and accountability as an entry point to further broaden discussions on vaccine equity and vaccine diplomacy.

It is  hoped, therefore,  that this research and the conversations to be had lead to policy changes that leave the world better prepared for the inevitable next pandemic.


1. To contribute to the global campaign on vaccine equity,
2. To examine the distribution and procurement of Chinese-made vaccines in 11 countries across three I4C regions (East Asia, South Asia, and the Pacific),
3. To explore how countries in the three regions came to rely on Chinese-made vaccines at the start of the global vaccination campaign,
4. To research how transparent the Global South governments’ procurement processes were, and
5. To assess the impact of the reliance on these Chinese-made vaccines.


I4C-East Asia is engaging a RESEARCH EDITOR for the Vaccine Transparency and Accountability project to:
– Lead the 11-country research report component looking into the transparency and accountability of vaccine procurement, vaccine in/equity, and the use of vaccines as tools for diplomacy and foreign policy in three I4C regions – East Asia (covering Northeast and Southeast Asia), South Asia, and the Pacific, including:
     1. Join the selection panel in interviewing and identifying our 11 Researchers
     2. Coordinate with and provide guidance to the VTA project consultants – a team of 11 Researchers, Fact Checker, and the two Translators (in collaboration with the two I4C-East Asia project leads)
     3. Edit the 11 country reports/chapters 
     4. Provide feedback to the initial drafts of the 11 Researchers during the  Research Validation Workshop between December 2022-January 2023
– Write the introductory synthesis chapter of the research report highlighting key points, research findings, and listing takeaways or actionable points if any
– Collaborate with the Graphic Designer and the 11 Researchers in drafting the text for the series of infographics/visual designs, coordinated by the I4C-East Asia project leads
– Present highlights of the research report during the global launch in March 2023
– Write a project evaluation report, including points for learning and reflection, by March 2023


The RESEARCH EDITOR will receive USD7,500 (seven thousand and five hundred US dollars) for services rendered. Payment shall be made in four (4) installments.

Please check the CONSULTANCY TERMS OF REFERENCE for more information: https://bit.ly/VTAEditorToR


I4C-East Asia encourages individuals, organizations, and networks who have demonstrated knowledge in governance, equity, transparency, accountability, public health, trade justice, diplomacy, access to information, and other related issues, and experience in research editing and writing to apply.

EXPRESS YOUR INTEREST by filling out this JotForm by Thursday, 15 September 2022, 11:59pm Bangkok time (GMT+7): https://bit.ly/VTAResearchEditorJotForm

Email i4c.eastasia@protonmail.com for questions or concerns.