SURVEY: Digital Tech for Inclusive Democracy

A mapping of human rights organisations in East Asia and Southeast Asia and their use of digital tech to advance inclusive democracy

The Digital Democracy Initiative (DDI) is an ambitious global effort funded by the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) and the European Union and implemented in partnership with Access Now, CIVICUS, Digital Defenders Partnership, and Global Focus. DDI’s goal is to support civil society around the world to continue strengthening civic space and promoting inclusive democracy in the digital age through two mutually reinforcing streams:

  1. Enable local civil society in the Global South to utilise digital technology in order to amplify efforts to promote inclusive democracy. (Led by CIVICUS and Global Focus)
  2. Defend and protect civil society and inclusive democracy by promoting stronger rights-focused policies and standards on digital technologies and improved security provision for civil society. (Led by Access Now and Digital Defenders Partnership)

More information about the project is available on the Civicus website.

As part of the first stream, Innovation for Change – East Asia is working with CIVICUS to undertake an extensive mapping of the various actors in East Asia and Southeast Asia, their capacities (e.g., influence, reach, etc.) and their relationships, to understand how we can strengthen the system of support for local collaborators working to expand civic space and inclusive democracy using digital technology. This mapping will include an analysis of specific geographies, the political environment and challenges/ opportunities to civic space and inclusive democracy. In the future, the project will seek to codesign and test new financial and non-financial support to local collaborators and build core organizational capacities and digital skills related to action on civic space and inclusive democracy.

We invite you, your partners, and everyone who thinks their work contributes to inclusive democracy to respond to the survey.

Your responses to this survey will not only help us map how civil society in this region is using digital tech to advance inclusive democracy, but will also help shape potential support for civil society, marginalized communities, and human rights defenders. These could be grants, learning resources and opportunities, and technical accompaniment to build core organizational capacities and digital skills related to action on civic space and inclusive democracy. You may also be selected to participate in the next steps of the co-design process to help create these support mechanisms. In other words, responses to this survey bring us a step closer to the pathways toward inclusive democracy for civil society.

We hope to close the survey by the end of Friday, 15 March 2024.

After the survey, we’ll analyze the responses and report back on what we learned. We hope that you can also use this information on how technology can be used to amplify your work towards inclusive democracy.

Thank you and we look forward to your responses!